History of CITB NI
The Construction Industry Training Board was one of nine Industry Training Boards formed in 1964 to:
Ensure an adequate supply of properly trained men and women at all levels in industry;
Secure an improvement in the quality and efficiency of industrial training;
Share the cost of training more evenly between firms.
The legislation giving power to raise the levy was Industrial Training Act (Northern Ireland) 1964 now Industrial Training (Northern Ireland) Order 1984.
We are funded by an industrial levy and organisations representing employers and workers in the industry are consulted annually before the levy rate is set up. Each year a Levy Order is requested to give CITB NI the power to collect levy for the new training year.
CITB NI is a Non Departmental Public Body and reports to the Department for the Economy (our sponsoring department).
The Board comprises a Chairperson and is constituted with equal representation of employer and employee interests, plus representatives from the education sector. A representative from the sponsoring department also attends Board meetings but has no vote.
When the Construction Industry Training Board was established, the training centre was set up on an old airfield at Nutts Corner, now known as Nutts Corner Training Centre.
The administration was conducted from a head office which serviced all nine training boards namely Swinson House, based in Newtownabbey. All training boards were administered by the Northern Ireland Training Executive (NITE) it was later renamed Northern Ireland Training Authority (NITA).
In 1990 the government approved a “White Paper” which abolished eight of the nine training boards.
CITB NI remained the only ITB and its role was relatively unchanged although due to the increased numbers of external training providers, CITB NI was unable to continue to provide training directly which was adequately provided elsewhere.
Statutory Requirement
Employers working within the construction industry in Northern Ireland for a period of 27 or more weeks in the tax year are required to register with CITB NI.
Schedule 1 of the Industrial Training Board Order 1964 lists activities which fall within scope to the Board.
Employers, whose gross emoluments total £80,000 or more per tax year, are required to pay a levy. Gross emoluments are payments to direct employees and labour only subcontractors.
The levy funds a range of products and services including grants for training that are aimed at encouraging training within the industry.
All registered employers are eligible to claim grants.
As well as the statutory obligations noted above, CITB NI has a responsibility to audit the standard of training provided within the industry, forecast industry needs and seek funding for specialist needs within the industry.