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Training Needs Analysis

Create your own Training Needs Analysis

A Training Needs Analysis is a tool that can be used to track training and skill levels within an organization. adult-ge47491f5b_1920.jpg

A Training Needs Analysis has a variety of uses from supporting gap analysis between required and actual knowledge levels and also tracking competency levels. When used as a visual management tool, the matrix can identify, at a glance, individual skill levels and weaknesses within the department.
To enable Construction Employers to create their own Training Matrix, CITB NI have developed a template and we would encourage employers to tailor the template to suit your own company and employee needs.

Creating a Training Needs Analysis

Here’s our guide to producing a training needs analysis template in Excel – you can use other software to document this if you like, a word processing application will do the job just fine. This Training Matrix covers three key areas within training:-
  1. Health & Safety Training
  2. Management Training
  3. General Training

User’s Guide

To identify the training needs of your employees
  1. Mark the box with a red bold ‘X
  2. When training has been completed we would recommend you change this to a green tick
  3. Insert the date training was completed (to identify refresher training)

Click here to download an excel version of the Training Needs Analysis
